Sculptra Injection® buttocks Paris

Dermato Aesthetic Clinic – Paris, 16rd

What is a Sculptra injections® buttocks?

Product injection sculptra® in the buttocks is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure that helps to sculpt in redraw and mainly to improve the quality of the skin of the buttocks without surgery.

Also known as PLLA (poly-L-lactic acid), Sculptra® is a collagen inducer used to restore loss of tissue volume. Sculptra® is a biocompatible injectable product that gradually restores loss of collagen and volume in a natural way.

Results of a Sculptra injection® diaper

After a treatment session with Scluptra®, we can in fact observe an immediate volume gain due to the injections. This effect will then fade over the following days before returning to its final extent approximately 2 to 3 weeks later. The results of the injections are therefore

  • Reshaping and redefining the contours of the buttocks
  • Improved skin quality
  • Butt lift

The results of an injection in the buttocks are natural and generally sustainable (up to 2 years). The treatment can be repeated to maintain the results over time.

On the other hand, the downtime associated with the procedure is minimal.

Indications and contraindications to Sculptra injections® diaper

The Sculptra injections® in the buttocks should not be performed in the event of an infection or open wound in the area to be treated.

On the other hand, it is a treatment not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Although buttock injections are generally safe and effective, it is important to discuss the risks and contraindications with a qualified healthcare professional before undertaking this type of treatment.

Sculptra injection technique® diaper

Le Sculptra product® is injected deep, under the surface of the skin, focusing on the area where fat loss is noted but covering the entire buttocks for a natural and homogeneous result.

The progress of a Sculptra injection session® buttocks in Paris

Before considering a Sculptra injection® in the buttocks, you will need to carry out an initial consultation with a doctor from our clinic, in order to define your objectives and find the treatment best suited to your problem.

Once the 24-hour reflection period has passed, the doctor will give you another appointment to begin your treatment.

During your session, the doctor begins with nettoyer the injection site using an antiseptic solution.

The doctor then inserts the needle into the gluteal muscle and inject the product based on poly-L-lactic acid. The patient may feel slight pain when the needle enters the muscle. The patient should then remain still for a few moments to allow the Sculptra product to® to spread evenly.

The injection site may be sore for a day or two after the procedure. Ice may be applied for 20 minutes at a time every 3 or 4 hours to help reduce swelling and pain.

It is necessary to count 45 minutes for a Sculptra injection session® in the buttocks.

The number of sessions varies depending on the person and their needs. If you wish to repeat the treatment for better results, you will have to wait 8 weeks.

Un interview appointment is recommended every year to maintain the effects of Sculptra injections®, although on average results last up to 2 years.

Price of a Sculptra injection session® buttocks

Sculptra Injection® collagen treatment

650€ (first ampoule) 
600€ (additional bulb)

Please note: You generally need 2 ampoules of injections to improve the quality of the skin (one per buttock). Depending on the patient's wishes and to work on the volume more significantly, we can go up to 2 ampoules per buttock.

* Payment in 2x, 3x or 4x free of charge by credit card upon presentation of a valid ID

Payment logo in 2x, 3x or 4x without fees

Buttock injection Paris

Are you interested in a buttock injection in Paris and would like to know more about this treatment?

Make an appointment with a doctor at our dermato-aesthetic clinic to obtain more information and discuss a possible procedure.

You can contact us :

Discover the treatment information sheet


The price of a Sculptra injection® in the buttocks varies depending on the number of blisters needed to cover the entire area to be treated. In general, 2 ampoules will be needed (one per buttock).

There are several ways to increase the volume of the buttocks naturally, without surgery. One of the most popular methods is Sculptra injection®. The injection technique requires a relatively short recovery time and can provide significant results.

Buttock injections are a generally safe, non-invasive treatment.

Some risks exist, but they are minimal. First of all, there is a risk of infection at the injection site. This risk can be minimized by using a sterile needle and injecting the medication into previously disinfected skin.

Finally, there is always a risk of an allergic reaction to the injected medication.

Aesthetic Dermatology

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